Unveiling Ansel Elgort's Age In "The Fault In Our Stars"

Ansel Elgort's age in The Fault in Our Stars refers to the age of the actor, Ansel Elgort, when he portrayed the character of Augustus Waters in the 2014 romantic drama film The Fault in Our Stars. Elgort was 20 years old at the time of filming.

The Fault in Our Stars is a coming-of-age story that follows the lives of two cancer patients, Hazel Grace Lancaster (played by Shailene Woodley) and Augustus Waters (played by Ansel Elgort). The film explores themes of love, loss, and the search for meaning in the face of adversity.

Ansel Elgort's performance in The Fault in Our Stars was critically acclaimed, with many praising his chemistry with Woodley and his ability to bring depth and nuance to the character of Augustus Waters. The film was a commercial success, grossing over $300 million worldwide.

Ansel Elgort's Age in The Fault in Our Stars

Ansel Elgort's age in The Fault in Our Stars is a significant aspect of the film, as it relates to the character he portrays and the themes of the story. Here are 9 key aspects to consider:

  • Youthful perspective: Elgort's age brings a youthful perspective to the role of Augustus Waters, a cancer patient who is grappling with his own mortality.
  • Emotional depth: Despite his young age, Elgort is able to convey the emotional depth and maturity of his character, who is wise beyond his years.
  • Chemistry with Woodley: Elgort's age is also important in terms of his chemistry with Shailene Woodley, who plays Hazel Grace Lancaster. Their similar ages create a sense of authenticity and believability in their relationship.
  • Coming-of-age story: The Fault in Our Stars is a coming-of-age story, and Elgort's age is appropriate for this type of film.
  • Themes of mortality: The film explores themes of mortality and the search for meaning in the face of adversity. Elgort's age adds to the poignancy of these themes.
  • Critical acclaim: Elgort's performance in The Fault in Our Stars was critically acclaimed, with many praising his ability to bring depth and nuance to the character.
  • Commercial success: The film was a commercial success, grossing over $300 million worldwide.
  • Cultural impact: The Fault in Our Stars has had a significant cultural impact, resonating with audiences of all ages.
  • Legacy: Elgort's performance in The Fault in Our Stars will likely be remembered as one of his most iconic roles.

In conclusion, Ansel Elgort's age in The Fault in Our Stars is a key aspect of the film that contributes to its overall success. Elgort's youthful perspective, emotional depth, and chemistry with Woodley create a powerful and moving experience for audiences.

Ansel ElgortMarch 14, 1994New York City, New York, U.S.

Youthful perspective

The youthful perspective that Ansel Elgort brings to the role of Augustus Waters is a key aspect of the character and the film as a whole. Augustus is a cancer patient who is grappling with his own mortality, and Elgort's age helps to convey the character's youthful exuberance and optimism in the face of adversity.

Elgort was 20 years old when he played Augustus, and this youthful perspective is evident in the character's outlook on life. Augustus is full of life and energy, and he is determined to make the most of his time. He is also a deeply thoughtful and philosophical character, and he grapples with the big questions about life and death.

Elgort's performance captures the complexity of Augustus' character. He is able to convey the character's youthful exuberance and optimism, as well as his more serious and introspective side. This balance is essential to the character, and it is one of the things that makes Elgort's performance so memorable.

The youthful perspective that Elgort brings to the role of Augustus Waters is a key component of the film's success. It helps to create a character that is both relatable and inspiring. Augustus is a young man who is facing his own mortality, but he does so with courage and grace. He is a reminder that even in the face of adversity, it is possible to live life to the fullest.

Emotional depth

Ansel Elgort's age in The Fault in Our Stars is significant in relation to the emotional depth he brings to the role of Augustus Waters. Despite his young age, Elgort is able to convey the emotional depth and maturity of his character, who is wise beyond his years.

  • Emotional maturity: Elgort's performance captures the emotional maturity of Augustus, who is a cancer patient who is grappling with his own mortality. Elgort is able to convey the character's complex emotions, including his fear, sadness, and anger, with honesty and authenticity.
  • Wisdom beyond his years: Augustus is a wise and philosophical character, and Elgort is able to convey this wisdom in his performance. Augustus has a deep understanding of life and death, and he is able to share his insights with Hazel in a way that is both moving and inspiring.
  • Connection with audience: Elgort's ability to convey the emotional depth and maturity of Augustus helps to create a connection with the audience. Augustus is a relatable character, and his journey is one that many people can identify with.

Elgort's performance in The Fault in Our Stars is a testament to his talent as an actor. He is able to bring depth and nuance to the role of Augustus Waters, and his performance is one of the reasons why the film is so successful.

Chemistry with Woodley

The chemistry between Ansel Elgort and Shailene Woodley in The Fault in Our Stars is one of the most important aspects of the film. Their similar ages create a sense of authenticity and believability in their relationship, which is essential to the film's success.

  • Age difference: The age difference between Elgort and Woodley is only two years, which helps to create a sense of realism in their relationship. In real life, it is common for people to date people who are close in age to them, and this is reflected in the film.
  • Emotional maturity: Elgort and Woodley are both mature actors, and this is evident in their performances. They are able to convey the complex emotions of their characters in a believable and moving way.
  • On-screen chemistry: Elgort and Woodley have great on-screen chemistry, and this is evident in the way they interact with each other. They are able to create a sense of intimacy and connection that is essential to the film's success.

The chemistry between Elgort and Woodley is one of the main reasons why The Fault in Our Stars is such a successful film. Their similar ages, emotional maturity, and on-screen chemistry create a sense of authenticity and believability that is essential to the film's success.

Coming-of-age story

The connection between "Coming-of-age story: The Fault in Our Stars is a coming-of-age story, and Elgort's age is appropriate for this type of film" and "ansel elgort age in the fault in our stars" is significant. Coming-of-age stories are typically about young people who are coming to terms with their identity and their place in the world. These stories often explore themes of love, loss, and friendship, and they can be very powerful and moving.

The Fault in Our Stars is a coming-of-age story about two cancer patients, Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters. The film follows Hazel and Augustus as they fall in love and learn to live with their cancer. Elgort's age is appropriate for this type of film because he is able to convey the youthful exuberance and optimism of Augustus, while also bringing a sense of maturity and depth to the role.

Elgort's performance in The Fault in Our Stars is a testament to his talent as an actor. He is able to capture the complex emotions of Augustus, and he brings a sense of authenticity and believability to the role. The film is a powerful and moving story about love, loss, and friendship, and Elgort's performance is a key part of its success.

Coming-of-age stories are an important part of our culture. They can help us to understand ourselves and our place in the world. The Fault in Our Stars is a powerful and moving coming-of-age story, and Elgort's age is appropriate for this type of film.

Themes of mortality

The Fault in Our Stars is a film that explores the themes of mortality and the search for meaning in the face of adversity. The film's protagonist, Augustus Waters, is a young man who is living with cancer. Elgort's age adds to the poignancy of these themes, as it highlights the fragility of life and the importance of living each day to the fullest.

  • The fragility of life: Elgort's youth serves as a reminder of the fragility of life. Augustus is a young man who is full of life and energy, but he is also facing a terminal illness. This contrast highlights the fact that life can be cut short at any time, and it is important to cherish every moment.
  • The importance of living each day to the fullest: Elgort's age also highlights the importance of living each day to the fullest. Augustus knows that his time is limited, and he is determined to make the most of every day. He lives his life with passion and purpose, and he inspires others to do the same.
  • The search for meaning in the face of adversity: The Fault in Our Stars is a film about the search for meaning in the face of adversity. Augustus is a young man who is facing a terminal illness, but he is still able to find meaning in his life. He finds meaning in his relationships with his family and friends, and he finds meaning in his own experiences. His story is a reminder that even in the face of adversity, it is possible to find meaning and purpose in life.

Elgort's age adds to the poignancy of the themes of mortality and the search for meaning in The Fault in Our Stars. His youthful energy and vitality highlight the fragility of life, while his determination and passion inspire others to live each day to the fullest. His story is a reminder that even in the face of adversity, it is possible to find meaning and purpose in life.

Critical acclaim

Ansel Elgort's performance in The Fault in Our Stars was critically acclaimed, with many praising his ability to bring depth and nuance to the character of Augustus Waters. This critical acclaim is significant in relation to "ansel elgort age in the fault in our stars" because it highlights Elgort's talent as an actor and his ability to portray complex characters.

  • Emotional maturity: Elgort's performance was praised for its emotional maturity, which is evident in his portrayal of Augustus's complex emotions. Elgort is able to convey Augustus's fear, sadness, and anger in a believable and moving way.
  • Depth of character: Elgort's performance was also praised for its depth of character. Elgort is able to bring Augustus to life as a fully realized character with his own unique personality and motivations.
  • Chemistry with Shailene Woodley: Elgort's chemistry with Shailene Woodley, who plays Hazel Grace Lancaster, was also praised by critics. Elgort and Woodley have a natural rapport on screen, and their chemistry is essential to the film's success.
  • Overall performance: Overall, Elgort's performance in The Fault in Our Stars was critically acclaimed for its emotional maturity, depth of character, chemistry with Shailene Woodley, and overall performance.

The critical acclaim for Elgort's performance in The Fault in Our Stars is a testament to his talent as an actor. Elgort is able to bring complex characters to life in a believable and moving way, and his performance in The Fault in Our Stars is a shining example of his abilities.

Commercial success

The commercial success of The Fault in Our Stars is significant in relation to "ansel elgort age in the fault in our stars" because it highlights the film's broad appeal and its ability to connect with audiences of all ages. The film's success is due to a number of factors, including its strong performances, its emotional story, and its positive message.

  • Strong performances: The film's strong performances, particularly from Ansel Elgort and Shailene Woodley, were a major factor in its success. Elgort's portrayal of Augustus Waters was particularly praised by critics, who noted his ability to bring depth and nuance to the character.
  • Emotional story: The film's emotional story is another reason for its success. The film tells the story of two cancer patients who fall in love, and it is a story that is both heartbreaking and heartwarming. Audiences were drawn to the film's emotional story, and it is one of the reasons why the film was so successful.
  • Positive message: The film's positive message is another reason for its success. The film tells a story about love, hope, and resilience, and it is a message that resonated with audiences. The film's positive message is one of the reasons why it was so successful, and it is a message that continues to inspire audiences today.

The commercial success of The Fault in Our Stars is a testament to the film's quality and its ability to connect with audiences of all ages. The film's strong performances, emotional story, and positive message are all reasons for its success, and it is a film that continues to inspire audiences today.

Cultural impact

The cultural impact of The Fault in Our Stars is significant and far-reaching. The film has resonated with audiences of all ages, and it has had a positive impact on popular culture. The film's success is due to a number of factors, including its strong performances, its emotional story, and its positive message. Ansel Elgort's age played a significant role in the film's cultural impact.

Elgort's age helped to create a sense of authenticity and believability in the film. He was able to portray Augustus Waters as a young man who is full of life and energy, but who is also facing a terminal illness. This portrayal resonated with audiences, and it helped to make the film more emotionally impactful.

In addition, Elgort's age helped to make the film more relatable to young audiences. Many young people are facing challenges in their own lives, and they were able to see themselves in Augustus Waters. This made the film more meaningful to them, and it helped to create a sense of community among young people.

The Fault in Our Stars has had a significant cultural impact, and Ansel Elgort's age played a significant role in the film's success. The film's strong performances, emotional story, and positive message resonated with audiences of all ages, and it continues to inspire audiences today.


Ansel Elgort's performance in The Fault in Our Stars is significant in relation to his legacy as an actor for several reasons.

  • Critical acclaim: Elgort's performance in The Fault in Our Stars was critically acclaimed, with many praising his ability to bring depth and nuance to the character of Augustus Waters. This critical acclaim is a testament to Elgort's talent as an actor, and it is likely to have a positive impact on his future career.
  • Commercial success: The Fault in Our Stars was a commercial success, grossing over $300 million worldwide. This commercial success is likely to lead to more opportunities for Elgort in the future, and it will help to raise his profile as an actor.
  • Cultural impact: The Fault in Our Stars has had a significant cultural impact, resonating with audiences of all ages. Elgort's performance is a major reason for the film's success, and it is likely to have a lasting impact on popular culture.

Overall, Elgort's performance in The Fault in Our Stars is a significant achievement that is likely to have a positive impact on his legacy as an actor. The film's critical acclaim, commercial success, and cultural impact are all factors that will contribute to Elgort's continued success in the years to come.

FAQs on Ansel Elgort's Age in The Fault in Our Stars

Many inquiries and misconceptions have emerged surrounding Ansel Elgort's age in the acclaimed film 'The Fault in Our Stars. This section comprehensively addresses six frequently asked questions, providing clear and concise answers derived from credible sources.

Question 1: What was Ansel Elgort's age during the filming of The Fault in Our Stars?

Ansel Elgort was 20 years old when he portrayed the character of Augustus Waters in The Fault in Our Stars, which filmed in 2013.

Question 2: How did Elgort's age impact his performance as Augustus Waters?

Elgort's youthful age allowed him to authentically capture the character's youthful exuberance and optimism in the face of adversity. It also brought a sense of poignancy to the role, given the character's terminal illness.

Question 3: Was Elgort too old to convincingly play a teenage cancer patient?

While Elgort was slightly older than the character's age in the book, his youthful appearance and strong acting skills allowed him to convincingly portray a believable and relatable teenage cancer patient.

Question 4: How did Elgort's age contribute to the film's critical and commercial success?

Elgort's age played a role in the film's critical and commercial success by resonating with audiences of all ages. His youthful energy and emotional depth brought a sense of authenticity to the story, making it both heartbreaking and heartwarming.

Question 5: Did Elgort receive any award nominations for his performance in The Fault in Our Stars?

Ansel Elgort was nominated for several awards for his performance, including the MTV Movie Award for Best Breakthrough Performance and the Teen Choice Award for Choice Movie Actor: Drama.

Question 6: How has Elgort's age influenced his career trajectory since The Fault in Our Stars?

Elgort's acclaimed performance in The Fault in Our Stars at a young age has solidified his status as a rising star. It has led to numerous other notable roles, showcasing his versatility and talent.

In conclusion, Ansel Elgort's age during the filming of The Fault in Our Stars was a significant factor in his authentic portrayal of Augustus Waters. It contributed to the film's critical and commercial success, resonating with audiences and establishing Elgort as a rising star in the entertainment industry.

Transition to the next article section: Explore the enduring impact of The Fault in Our Stars and its enduring legacy.

Tips Related to "Ansel Elgort Age in The Fault in Our Stars"

The significance of Ansel Elgort's age in "The Fault in Our Stars" extends beyond the character's portrayal. It also highlights the importance of considering an actor's age in relation to the role and the overall impact of the film. Here are some key tips to consider:

Tip 1: Authenticity and Relatability
An actor's age can contribute to the authenticity and relatability of a character. In the case of "The Fault in Our Stars," Elgort's youthful age allowed him to embody the character's youthful exuberance and vulnerability, making the character more relatable to audiences.

Tip 2: Emotional Depth and Maturity
While age can influence an actor's ability to portray certain emotions, it's important to recognize that emotional depth and maturity are not solely dependent on age. Elgort's performance demonstrated that even at a young age, actors can convey complex emotions and bring depth to their characters.

Tip 3: Chemistry and Connection
When casting, an actor's age can be crucial in establishing believable chemistry and connection between characters. In "The Fault in Our Stars," Elgort and Shailene Woodley's similar ages allowed them to portray a genuine and emotionally resonant relationship.

Tip 4: Cultural Impact and Resonance
The age of an actor can influence the cultural impact and resonance of a film. Elgort's youthful age in "The Fault in Our Stars" made the film more relatable to younger audiences, contributing to its widespread popularity and cultural impact.

Tip 5: Artistic Vision and Directorial Intent
Ultimately, the age of an actor should be considered in conjunction with the artistic vision of the director and the overall intent of the film. In the case of "The Fault in Our Stars," Elgort's age aligned with the director's vision of portraying the story through a youthful lens.

In conclusion, while an actor's age is a significant factor to consider, it should be evaluated in relation to the specific role, the desired impact, and the overall artistic vision of the film. By carefully considering these elements, filmmakers can leverage an actor's age to enhance the authenticity, emotional depth, chemistry, cultural impact, and artistic integrity of their work.


The exploration of "ansel elgort age in the fault in our stars" reveals the significance of an actor's age in shaping the character's portrayal and the overall impact of the film. Ansel Elgort's youthful age in "The Fault in Our Stars" contributed to the authenticity, emotional depth, chemistry, cultural impact, and artistic vision of the film.

This analysis underscores the importance of considering an actor's age in relation to the role and the desired outcome. By carefully evaluating these factors, filmmakers can harness an actor's age to enhance the authenticity, emotional resonance, and cultural significance of their work.
