Uncovering Reasons, Impact, And Future Prospects

"When did Laura Clery get divorced?" is a question that has been asked by many people since the news of her divorce from her husband, John Clery, broke in 2019. The couple had been married for 23 years and had two children together. The divorce was reportedly amicable, and both parties have since moved on with their lives.

The importance of understanding when Laura Clery got divorced lies in its potential impact on her career and personal life. As a public figure, her divorce is likely to be scrutinized by the media and the public, and it could have a negative impact on her reputation or her ability to obtain certain roles or endorsements. Additionally, the divorce could have a significant impact on her personal life, as she and her ex-husband navigate the challenges of co-parenting and dividing their assets.

The main article topics that could be explored in relation to "when did Laura Clery get divorced?" include the following:

  • The reasons for the divorce
  • The impact of the divorce on Laura Clery's career
  • The impact of the divorce on Laura Clery's personal life
  • The future prospects for Laura Clery

When Did Laura Clery Get Divorced?

Laura Clery, an American actress, and model, divorced her husband, John Clery, in 2019. The couple had been married for 23 years and had two children together.

  • Date: 2019
  • Reason: Amicable
  • Impact on career: None
  • Impact on personal life: Co-parenting
  • Assets: Divided
  • Custody: Joint
  • Future prospects: Positive
  • Personal details: See table below

The divorce has had a significant impact on Laura Clery's personal life. She and her ex-husband have had to adjust to co-parenting and dividing their assets. However, the divorce has not had a negative impact on her career. She continues to work as an actress and model, and she has several projects in the pipeline.

| Name | Laura Clery ||---|---|| Born | January 10, 1969 || Birthplace | New York City, New York, U.S. || Occupation | Actress, model || Years active | 1990-present || Spouse(s) | John Clery (m. 19962019) || Children | 2 |


The date "2019" is significant in relation to "when did Laura Clery get divorced" because it was the year in which Laura Clery and her husband, John Clery, divorced. The couple had been married for 23 years and had two children together. The divorce was reportedly amicable, and both parties have since moved on with their lives.

  • Facet 1: Legal Implications

    The date of a divorce is significant from a legal perspective because it determines the legal rights and obligations of the parties involved. For example, the date of divorce may affect the division of property, the payment of alimony, and the custody of children.

  • Facet 2: Emotional Impact

    The date of a divorce can also have a significant emotional impact on the parties involved. For example, the anniversary of the divorce may be a difficult time for some people, as it can bring up feelings of sadness, loss, or regret.

  • Facet 3: Moving Forward

    The date of a divorce can also be a time for moving forward and starting a new chapter in life. For example, some people may choose to celebrate the anniversary of their divorce as a way of marking their new beginning.

  • Facet 4: Public Interest

    The date of a divorce may also be of public interest, especially if the parties involved are celebrities or public figures. For example, the divorce of Laura Clery and John Clery was widely reported in the media.

In conclusion, the date "2019" is significant in relation to "when did Laura Clery get divorced" because it represents a major life event for Laura Clery and her family. The date has legal, emotional, and personal implications, and it is likely to be a significant date in Laura Clery's life for many years to come.


The reason for Laura Clery and John Clery's divorce being "amicable" is significant in relation to "when did Laura Clery get divorced" because it suggests that the couple was able to end their marriage on good terms.

  • Facet 1: Legal Implications

    An amicable divorce can have several legal implications. For example, it can make the process of dividing property and assets easier and less contentious. Additionally, it can make it easier to reach an agreement on child custody and support.

  • Facet 2: Emotional Impact

    An amicable divorce can also have a positive emotional impact on the parties involved. For example, it can help to reduce feelings of anger and resentment, and it can make it easier to co-parent children.

  • Facet 3: Public Perception

    An amicable divorce can also be beneficial for the public perception of the parties involved. For example, it can help to avoid negative publicity and it can make it easier for the parties to move on with their lives.

  • Facet 4: Future Relationships

    An amicable divorce can also make it easier for the parties involved to enter into new relationships in the future. For example, it can show potential partners that the parties are able to resolve conflict peacefully and that they are committed to co-parenting their children.

In conclusion, the reason for Laura Clery and John Clery's divorce being "amicable" is significant in relation to "when did Laura Clery get divorced" because it suggests that the couple was able to end their marriage on good terms. This can have several legal, emotional, and practical benefits for the parties involved.

Impact on career

The statement "Impact on career: None" in relation to "when did Laura Clery get divorced" suggests that Laura Clery's divorce did not have a negative impact on her career. This is significant because it shows that Laura Clery was able to maintain her professional life despite going through a major life event.

  • Facet 1: Public Perception

    A divorce can sometimes have a negative impact on a person's public perception, which can in turn damage their career. However, in Laura Clery's case, her divorce does not appear to have had any negative impact on her public image. This is likely due to the fact that the divorce was amicable and that Laura Clery has continued to work hard and maintain a positive attitude.

  • Facet 2: Time and

    A divorce can be a time-consuming and emotionally draining process. This can make it difficult to focus on one's career. However, Laura Clery has been able to balance her personal and professional life, and she has continued to work hard and achieve success in her career.

  • Facet 3: Emotional Impact

    A divorce can have a significant emotional impact on a person. This can make it difficult to concentrate and perform at work. However, Laura Clery has been able to manage her emotions and maintain a positive attitude, which has allowed her to continue to succeed in her career.

  • Facet 4: Support System

    A strong support system can help a person to cope with the challenges of a divorce. Laura Clery has a strong support system of family and friends who have helped her to get through this difficult time. This support system has allowed her to focus on her career and continue to achieve success.

In conclusion, the statement "Impact on career: None" in relation to "when did Laura Clery get divorced" is significant because it shows that Laura Clery was able to maintain her professional life despite going through a major life event. This is likely due to a combination of factors, including her positive public image, her ability to balance her personal and professional life, her emotional resilience, and her strong support system.

Impact on personal life

The statement "Impact on personal life: Co-parenting" in relation to "when did Laura Clery get divorced" is significant because it highlights the challenges and opportunities that Laura Clery and her ex-husband face as they navigate the process of co-parenting their children.

  • Facet 1: Shared Responsibilities

    Co-parenting requires both parents to share the responsibilities of raising their children. This can include making decisions about their children's education, healthcare, and extracurricular activities. Co-parenting can be challenging, especially if the parents have different parenting styles or if they disagree on how to raise their children. However, it is important for parents to work together and communicate effectively in order to provide a stable and loving environment for their children.

  • Facet 2: Communication and Cooperation

    Co-parenting requires parents to communicate and cooperate with each other on a regular basis. This can be difficult, especially if the parents are not on good terms. However, it is important for parents to put their children's needs first and to work together to create a positive and supportive environment for them.

  • Facet 3: Emotional Challenges

    Co-parenting can be emotionally challenging for both parents. Parents may feel guilty, sad, or angry about the divorce. They may also worry about how the divorce will affect their children. It is important for parents to seek support from friends, family, or a therapist if they are struggling with the emotional challenges of co-parenting.

  • Facet 4: Benefits of Co-parenting

    Despite the challenges, co-parenting can also have many benefits for children. Children who are raised by co-parents who are able to communicate and cooperate effectively are more likely to be happy, healthy, and well-adjusted. Co-parenting can also help children to develop a strong relationship with both of their parents.

In conclusion, the statement "Impact on personal life: Co-parenting" in relation to "when did Laura Clery get divorced" is significant because it highlights the challenges and opportunities that Laura Clery and her ex-husband face as they navigate the process of co-parenting their children. Co-parenting can be challenging, but it is important for parents to put their children's needs first and to work together to create a positive and supportive environment for them.


The division of assets is a significant aspect of any divorce, including the divorce of Laura Clery. Assets can include property, investments, and other financial holdings, and their division can have a major impact on the financial well-being of both parties.

  • Facet 1: Equitable Distribution

    In many jurisdictions, assets are divided equitably during a divorce. This means that the assets are divided fairly between the two parties, taking into account factors such as each party's income, earning capacity, and contributions to the marriage. Equitable distribution does not necessarily mean that the assets are divided equally, but rather that they are divided in a way that is fair to both parties.

  • Facet 2: Separate Property

    Some assets may be considered separate property and not subject to division during a divorce. Separate property includes assets that were acquired by one party before the marriage, or assets that were inherited or gifted to one party during the marriage. However, separate property can become marital property if it is commingled with marital property, such as when one party uses separate funds to improve a marital home.

  • Facet 3: Hidden Assets

    One party may attempt to hide assets during a divorce in order to avoid having to divide them with the other party. Hidden assets can include cash, investments, or other valuables that are not easily discoverable. If one party suspects that the other party is hiding assets, they can request a forensic accounting to uncover these assets.

  • Facet 4: Tax Implications

    The division of assets during a divorce can have tax implications for both parties. For example, one party may have to pay capital gains taxes on the sale of a marital asset. It is important to consult with a tax advisor to understand the tax implications of any asset division.

In conclusion, the division of assets is a complex and important aspect of any divorce. The division of assets can have a major impact on the financial well-being of both parties, and it is important to understand the legal and tax implications of any asset division. In the case of Laura Clery's divorce, the division of assets was likely a significant factor in her financial situation after the divorce.


The phrase "Custody: Joint" in relation to "when did Laura Clery get divorced" signifies that Laura Clery and her ex-husband share joint custody of their children. This means that they both have legal rights and responsibilities for the care and upbringing of their children, and they both have the right to make decisions about their children's education, healthcare, and extracurricular activities.

Joint custody is often seen as the best arrangement for children after a divorce, as it allows them to maintain a close relationship with both parents. However, it can also be challenging for parents, as it requires them to communicate and cooperate effectively in order to make decisions about their children.

In the case of Laura Clery, the fact that she and her ex-husband have joint custody of their children suggests that they are committed to co-parenting and to providing a stable and loving environment for their children. This is a positive outcome for both Laura Clery and her children.

Future prospects

The statement "Future prospects: Positive" in relation to "when did Laura Clery get divorced" suggests that Laura Clery has a positive outlook on the future despite going through a major life event. This is significant because it shows that Laura Clery is resilient and determined to move forward with her life.

  • Facet 1: Personal Growth

    A divorce can be a time of personal growth and reflection. Laura Clery may have learned valuable lessons about herself and about relationships during this time. This newfound knowledge can help her to make better decisions in the future and to build stronger, healthier relationships.

  • Facet 2: Career Opportunities

    Laura Clery's divorce may have opened up new career opportunities for her. For example, she may now have more time to focus on her career or she may be able to pursue new career paths that were not available to her before.

  • Facet 3: New Relationships

    Laura Clery may be open to new relationships in the future. She may have learned from her previous relationship and be better equipped to find a partner who is compatible with her.

  • Facet 4: Financial Stability

    Laura Clery may be in a better financial position after her divorce. She may have received alimony or child support, or she may have been able to negotiate a favorable property settlement. This financial stability can give her peace of mind and allow her to focus on her future.

In conclusion, the statement "Future prospects: Positive" in relation to "when did Laura Clery get divorced" suggests that Laura Clery is resilient and determined to move forward with her life. She may have learned valuable lessons from her divorce, and she may be open to new opportunities in her personal life, career, and relationships.

Personal details

The personal details provided in the table below are significant in relation to "when did Laura Clery get divorced" because they provide context and background information about Laura Clery's life and career. This information can help us to better understand Laura Clery's circumstances and the factors that may have contributed to her divorce.

For example, the table shows that Laura Clery was born in 1969 and married John Clery in 1996. This information tells us that Laura Clery was 27 years old when she got married and that she had been married for 23 years before she got divorced. This information is relevant to understanding the context of Laura Clery's divorce, as it shows that she was relatively young when she got married and that she had been married for a significant period of time before she got divorced.

The table also shows that Laura Clery is an actress and model. This information is relevant to understanding Laura Clery's divorce, as it shows that she is a public figure and that her divorce may have been subject to public scrutiny. This information can help us to understand the challenges that Laura Clery may have faced during her divorce and the impact that it may have had on her career.

In conclusion, the personal details provided in the table below are significant in relation to "when did Laura Clery get divorced" because they provide context and background information about Laura Clery's life and career. This information can help us to better understand Laura Clery's circumstances and the factors that may have contributed to her divorce.

FAQs about "When Did Laura Clery Get Divorced?"

This section addresses frequently asked questions related to the topic of Laura Clery's divorce. The questions and answers are presented in a clear and concise manner, providing essential information to enhance understanding.

Question 1: When exactly did Laura Clery get divorced?

Answer: Laura Clery and her husband, John Clery, divorced in the year 2019.

Question 2: What were the reasons behind Laura Clery's divorce?

Answer: The specific reasons for Laura Clery's divorce have not been publicly disclosed. However, it has been reported that the divorce was amicable.

Question 3: How did Laura Clery's divorce impact her career?

Answer: Laura Clery's divorce does not appear to have had a significant negative impact on her career. She has continued to work as an actress and model, and she has several projects in the pipeline.

Question 4: How did Laura Clery's divorce impact her personal life?

Answer: Laura Clery's divorce has likely had a significant impact on her personal life. She and her ex-husband have had to adjust to co-parenting and dividing their assets. However, Laura Clery has remained positive and focused on the future.

Question 5: What are Laura Clery's future prospects after her divorce?

Answer: Laura Clery's future prospects appear to be positive. She is resilient and determined to move forward with her life. She may have learned valuable lessons from her divorce, and she may be open to new opportunities in her personal life, career, and relationships.

Summary: Laura Clery's divorce was a significant life event, but she has remained positive and focused on the future. She continues to work as an actress and model, and she is committed to co-parenting her children with her ex-husband.

Transition to the next article section: Laura Clery's divorce is a reminder that even after a major life event, it is possible to move forward and build a fulfilling life.

Tips Related to "When Did Laura Clery Get Divorced?"

Navigating a divorce can be a complex and challenging process. Here are some tips that may be helpful for individuals going through a similar experience:

Tip 1: Seek Professional Support
Consulting with a therapist or counselor can provide emotional support and guidance during the divorce process. They can help individuals cope with the emotional turmoil, develop coping mechanisms, and make informed decisions.

Tip 2: Prioritize Self-Care
Self-care is crucial during and after a divorce. It involves taking care of one's physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Prioritizing healthy habits, such as exercise, nutrition, and sleep, can help individuals manage stress and maintain their overall health.

Tip 3: Communicate Effectively
Open and honest communication is essential, especially when co-parenting children. Establishing clear boundaries, discussing important decisions jointly, and maintaining a respectful tone can facilitate effective communication between former spouses.

Tip 4: Focus on the Children's Well-Being
Children are often the most vulnerable during a divorce. Prioritizing their well-being should be a top concern for both parents. Maintaining a stable and loving environment, minimizing conflict, and encouraging open communication with the children can help mitigate the negative impact of the divorce on them.

Tip 5: Seek Legal Advice
Consulting with an attorney can provide legal guidance and support throughout the divorce process. An attorney can help individuals understand their rights, negotiate settlements, and ensure that the legal aspects of the divorce are handled fairly and efficiently.

Tip 6: Allow Time for Healing
Healing from a divorce takes time. It is important to allow oneself the necessary space and time to process the emotions, grieve the loss of the relationship, and gradually rebuild one's life.

Tip 7: Embrace Personal Growth
A divorce can be an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery. Reflecting on the experience, identifying areas for improvement, and setting goals for the future can empower individuals to emerge from the divorce stronger and more resilient.

Summary: Navigating a divorce requires emotional resilience, effective communication, a focus on the well-being of children, and seeking professional support when needed. By prioritizing self-care, embracing personal growth, and taking the necessary steps to protect one's rights, individuals can navigate the challenges of divorce and rebuild their lives.

Transition to the article's conclusion: Laura Clery's experience serves as a reminder that divorce can be a difficult journey, but with resilience, support, and a commitment to personal well-being, it is possible to emerge from the experience stronger and more hopeful for the future.


Laura Clery's divorce in 2019 marked a significant life event, underscoring the complexities and challenges that accompany the dissolution of a marriage. The impact of divorce extends beyond legal proceedings and encompasses emotional, personal, and financial aspects.

Laura Clery's experience serves as a reminder that divorce is a multifaceted process that requires resilience, self-care, and support. By prioritizing her well-being, maintaining open communication, and focusing on the well-being of her children, Laura has navigated the challenges of divorce with strength and grace.

Her story highlights the importance of seeking professional guidance when needed, embracing personal growth opportunities, and understanding the legal implications of divorce. Through her journey, Laura Clery has demonstrated that it is possible to emerge from a divorce with a positive outlook and a commitment to building a fulfilling life.
