Celebs Who Can't Stand Jeffree Star

Kat von D and Jeffree Star were friends for years — von D tattooed much of Star's body and even named a lipstick after him — until it all blew up in July 2016. Taking to Facebook, von D posted a photo of Star with a big red stop symbol across his face. "After years of making excuses for, and rationalizing Jeffree's inappropriate behavior (including, promoting drug use, racism, and bullying) I can no longer hold my tongue after recent events," she said, announcing that she was pulling the "Jeffree" shade from stores. 

Von D also posted a YouTube video claiming that Star used packaging designed by her friend, B.J. Betts, without credit and without payment. "I think it's really wrong, what Jeffree's done," she said. "You can't sit there and post all these videos of you, like 'Get Ready With Me in My Rolls Royce,' and then not pay a guy who worked really hard for you." She added, "The Jeffree that he is now is a monster. This attention-seeking, fame-desiring, money-driven monster that I want no part in." 

Noting that she regrets introducing Star to her makeup production factory, von D ended her rant with gusto: "You can pick on all these other people that might be intimidated and won't say anything back, but Jeffree, I'm not scared of you." 
